Home Tidlor Story Culture Ngern Tidlor's Inspiration Behind the 'Core เดียวกัน Collection' T-Shirts

Ngern Tidlor's Inspiration Behind the 'Core เดียวกัน Collection' T-Shirts

15 August 2024
Ngern Tidlor

Reflecting Ngern Tidlor's Corporate Culture through the 'Core เดียวกัน Collection' T-shirts

Ngern Tidlor's vibrant and robust corporate culture doesn’t shine through the workplace but in the daily lives of employees, including 'Unified Core Collection' (Core เดียวกัน Collection) T-shirts. The collection is a result of a creative collaboration between Ngern Tid Lor Public Company Limited and the renowned Thai design brand Akkara Bangkok, making the 'Core เดียวกัน Collection' a distinctive part of the company’s cultural journey.

This project began with the goal of making corporate core values fun, engaging, and integrated into everyday work life. It aims to transform the perception of corporate culture and core values into something vibrant and inspiring, spreading positivity within the company and beyond. By incorporating these values into wearable designs, Ngern Tidlor redefines traditional ways of communicating corporate values. This approach allows employees—regardless of their role or location—to embody and share the company’s cultural identity and positive energy with those around them.

Ngern Tidlor: A Culture-Driven Company Powered by Employee Engagement

No matter how others define Ngern Tidlor, but they are proud to identify itself as a Culture-Driven Company, where its organizational culture serves as the engine driving its success. The company’s 7 Core Values, developed collaboratively by employees, act as the guiding principles that help the team make decisions and achieve shared goals.

Ngern Tidlor places great emphasis on encouraging employees to collectively think and collaborate in creating the company’s core values. These values were developed by decoding the traits of the rock star employees that Ngern Tidlor employees admire, combined with the beliefs and approaches that guide their work. This collaborative process took approximately a year and a half, resulting in the first version of the company’s core values, which were officially introduced seven years ago.

Ngern Tidlor’s 7 Core Values are unique, clearly reflecting the company’s curiosity, sense of fun, sincerity, and approachable nature. Since these values stem from the true identity of Ngern Tidlor employees, they resonate perfectly with them. For NTLers, it’s a natural fit to practice and live by these values, both at work and in daily life. Additionally, these core values guide the company’s recruitment process and communicate the behaviors the organization expects from its employees.

The Ongoing Fun of Building Core Values

Even though Ngern Tidlor’s core values clearly reflect its employees' identity and are a source of pride, the journey of creating a strong corporate culture is never complete.

Ngern Tidlor believes that organizational culture and core values should not be confined to paper or stuck on a wall; they should live in the hearts of every employee, driving their thoughts and actions.

One unique way Ngern Tidlor celebrates its culture is through NTL Culture Day, an annual event on July 7. On this day, executives and employees from across the company come together to reaffirm the importance of their core values as a drive to success.

Ngern Tidlor also ensures that its employees are given opportunities to engage with the 7 Core Values through various activities. From workshops and cross-functional teamwork to TIDLOR Run 107 event, employees are encouraged to put the values into practice in meaningful and enjoyable ways, helping them achieve shared goals and foster a sense of unity.

As Kanjanat Chalermjulamanee, Senior Vice President of Tidlor Academy, noted,

“The success of Ngern Tidlor doesn’t come from just one of our core values but from all seven working together as one.”

Before becoming the 7 captivating messages that truly resonates

One of the ways to communicate the company’s core values in a creative, non-repetitive, and easy-to-understand format, which can serve as a reminder or inspire everyday life based on the values embedded in the heart, while also bringing a smile or laughter in the Ngern Tidlor style, came about when we met the highly creative Thai designer brand Akkara Bangkok, a brand known for its unique designs on clothing or everyday items, featuring positive messages with a touch of humor.

“When we discovered Akkara Bangkok, we immediately knew this was the perfect partner to help bring our values into employees’ daily lives in a fun and engaging way.”

Kanjanat Chalermjulamanee explained.

Akkarapol Pankul, founder of Akkara Bangkok, spoke about Ngern Tidlor’s original 7 Core Values before adding humor and refining the concept:

“Ngern Tidlor's 7 Core Values are already full of positive energy. Our job was to make them more accessible, memorable, and fun, translating them into designs that people can enjoy wearing every day.”

The Core เดียวกัน Collection project goes beyond NTLers, as the company seeks to spread positivity to others in the workplace, infusing happiness into their daily routines.

Ngern Tidlor believes that everyone has their own Personal Values, and seeing these positive messages on a T-shirt can serve as a gentle, humorous reminder to stay inspired and motivated.


Spreading Positivity Through Design

As Kanjanat Chalermjulamanee remarked, “If this collection can inspire even a little bit of positivity and motivation in someone’s life, we consider that a success.”

At this point, we’d like to say that for Ngern Tidlor employees or anyone interested in boosting their own or others’ spirits through the messages on the 'Core เดียวกัน Collection' T-shirts, you can queue up to get your own at LINE SHOPPING: http://shop.line.me/@tidlorshop. And for those who want to learn more about Ngern Tidlor’s journey in building a tangible organizational culture, you can find additional information at www.tidlor.com/academy.

Source: Ad Addict


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